Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015

Jarvis Watchface for Pebble Time and Pebble B/W

Just published my new watchface 'JARVIS' on the pebble appstore - if you are an owner of a pebble -> be sure to check it out

See it in action:

And last but not least the link of the watchface @ pebble appstore.

Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015

vape boxmod - Cloupor mini 30W - battery level indicator issue

I was alerted about this issue by the community and checked my box.

As this looks like a software issue - It would be nice if cloupor provides a software upgrade

Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

The last days for my Pebble Watch

After a long time my Pebble 'Kickstarter Edition' will retire early because of the new Pebble Time.

I think it's now over two years that I'm wearing my Pebble -> one word: AWESOME!

Battery still looks good -> Especially with my watchface 'FullProgress' (which updates only every 30 seconds) -> 6 days without charging and still at 10% :)
(checked with the App 'Battery Leak' by 'Ycleptic Studios')