Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015

Jarvis Watchface for Pebble Time and Pebble B/W

Just published my new watchface 'JARVIS' on the pebble appstore - if you are an owner of a pebble -> be sure to check it out

See it in action:

And last but not least the link of the watchface @ pebble appstore.

Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015

vape boxmod - Cloupor mini 30W - battery level indicator issue

I was alerted about this issue by the community and checked my box.

As this looks like a software issue - It would be nice if cloupor provides a software upgrade

Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

The last days for my Pebble Watch

After a long time my Pebble 'Kickstarter Edition' will retire early because of the new Pebble Time.

I think it's now over two years that I'm wearing my Pebble -> one word: AWESOME!

Battery still looks good -> Especially with my watchface 'FullProgress' (which updates only every 30 seconds) -> 6 days without charging and still at 10% :)
(checked with the App 'Battery Leak' by 'Ycleptic Studios')

Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014

AC Voltage Regulator for Motor

For my CNC mill I've bought an ash vacuum cleaner.
I've found a lot of people who made their own Dyson Cyclone vacuum cleaner.
When I finally have my CNC, I'll convert my ash vaccum to a cyclone vacuum. :)
But now to the ash vacuum cleaner...

Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

Pebble SDK 2.0 / Appstore launch 2014

Pebble released SDK2.0 for developers. Many things have changed...
Migrating faces/apps is difficult (according to my opinion).

The new SDK brings not only the ability to read out the connection state and battery state and show them on your watchface/app.

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Deactivate PayPass on my Card - RFID Zapper

I received a new bank card with the PayPass function (contactless payment over RFID).
I didn't ordered that feature but all the new cards have it and there's no way to deactivate it officially.

Because it's pretty easy to copy or steal your card information, I've searched for a method to deactivate it.

Freitag, 9. August 2013

Macbook 2008 Pro Broken -> Again :(

Well about two months ago, the macbook again didn't showed up the booting screen (apple logo)...

Didn't had a lot of time to keep my blog up to date...

It was clear that the third time reflowing didn't repaired it forever...
I decided to buy some equipment to reball the GPU...